America Business Systems

In the past decade, businesses have undergone a fundamental shift due to the proliferation of mobile devices and the internet. In order to keep up with the ever-changing competition, businesses have had to adopt new systems and processes. America’s business systems are some of the most advanced in the world, and they have been instrumental…

Colonial Business Systems

The British colonial business systems of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries were based on mercantilism, which was the dominant economic theory of the time. Mercantilism was a system that advocated for the accumulation of wealth through the export of goods and the import of capital. This system resulted in the development of a strong British…

Loffler Business Systems

Loffler Business Systems is the leading provider of integrated business systems for small to mid-size businesses. LBS provides a complete suite of software applications that help businesses manage their finances, sales, operations, and customer relationships. LBS provides easy-to-use software that is affordable and customizable to meet the needs of businesses of all sizes. Loffler Companies…

Ledger Activated Business Systems

Current Ledger-Activated Business Systems (LABMS) are typically used in industries such as Manufacturing and Retail, where periodic reporting is essential for compliance with regulations and continued operations. However, the limitations of current LABMS have been well documented. Some of the common shortcomings of current LABMS are their requirement for manual entry of data, lack of…